Students of BioMedical Science Department, KUST Visit Anwar Sheikha Medical City as a part of Knowledge Sharing Program
On the 19th – October – 2022, students from the BioMedical Science Department of Komar University of Science and Technology visited Anwar Sheikha Medical City [AMC] for an expert opinion in understanding Genetics involved in Breast Cancer. In this visit, Dr. Sanarya Shwan Abdulrahman, M.B.Ch.B, HDFM who is a reputed Breast Physician at AMC has shared her expertise in various aspects of breast cancer sample collection, analyzing the cancer specimen and the techniques in understanding the breast cancer in BioMedical Science perspective. In addition, Dr. Sanarya emphasized the importance of Genetic Counselling in dealing with the inherited risk factor groups for breast cancer which is a part of Human Genetics and Lab in BioMedical Science Curriculum. The students greatly benefited by the expert opinion for their future plans. This visit was coordinated and accompanied by Asst. Prof. Dr. Noel Vinay Thomas, Chairman of BioMedical Science Department, KUST, Ms. Hawar Sardar Hassan, Assistant Lecturer, KUST and Mr. Hevar Nyaz, Lab Assistant, KUST.